Collaboratory Update & Participation Award Drawing

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Maria Montesó and Ron Patane have each won $50 Upstate Bookstore gift cards in our first Collaboratory Participation Award Drawing.

Each month this spring, two $50 Upstate Bookstore gift cards will be awarded to randomly selected faculty & staff who own one or more published community engagement activities in Collaboratory.

At the Reimagine Summit, a request was made for awards involving USC Upstate apparel. With a $50 gift card and the standard 20% faculty/staff discount, winners can purchase a $56.50 shirt – tax included. (Winners who choose to buy something other apparel must follow standard bookstore policy regarding gift card purchases.)

If you have community engaged activity (curricular, co-curricular activities, research, board service, etc) not yet captured in Collaboratory, please contact Zane Gray or me (via email, phone, etc). Even if we don’t hear from you, Zane, I, or a student worker may be contacting you soon about updating Collaboratory with your community-engaged actives. Please contribute so we can better serve our community and celebrate the great work you are doing!

With many thanks to Zane, our quest to populate Collaboratory with the amazing community-engaged activities happening across campus continues. At time of this writing, we have 82 activities in the database with most entries associated with the Department of Languages, Literature, and Composition. Career development is our most common focus area of the entered activities, and the general public is the most commonly recurring target audience.