Please join me in celebrating the resurgence of SL/CE courses for our students. As of this writing, we have 27 unique sections officially designated as SL/CE – rebounding from our COVID induced low of 4 sections in Spring 2021. SL/CE courses offer students significant benefits including increased GPAs, higher retention, higher satisfaction, enhanced critical thinking, and heightened self-awareness.
Instructors also report benefits from SL/CE courses including more engaged students, increased sense of satisfaction, opportunities for scholarship, and, specifically at Upstate SL/CE, activities are increasingly recognized in the evaluation and promotion and tenure processes.
Of course, our community also benefits immediately from our service as well as in the preparation of future civically minded community members for the 80% of our alumni who stay local.
Below we list the 22 officially designated SL/CE course offerings we have on the books for Spring ’23. If you are teaching a course that should be on this list, please let me know and we can make it happen. We want to track SL/CE activity to reward faculty who invest in this important pedagogy and to demonstrate that SL/CE has impacts at Upstate similar to those reported an many other institutions.
The classes include the foundations of SL/CE courses: connection to our community, overt attention to career skill-building, and guided reflection:
ARTS U207 01 SL: Printmaking I
ARTS U307 01 SL: Printmaking II
MGMT U475 01B CE: Advanced Operations Management
MKTG U352 01B SL: Marketing Communications
Criminal Justice
CRJU U350 1 SL: Victimology
ENGL U102 17M SL: Composition II
ENGL U252 02M SE: Understanding English Grammar
ENGL U451 02M SL: Introduction to Linguistics
ENSL U351 02M SL: Linguistics for Language Learners and Teachers
EDVI 706 01M SE: Advanced Braille
GERM U101 01W CE: Intro German I
HONS U301 01 CE: The Ethical Factor
NURS U306 ALL SE: Intro. Professional Nursing
NURS U461 ALL SL: Community & Public Health Nursing
NURS U462 ALL SL: Community & Public Health Nursing RN-BSN
CAST U499 01 CE: Child Advocacy Internship
PSYC U302 07 & 8 SL: Developmental Psychology
PSYC U499 01 CE: Psychology Internship
BIO 330 01 SL: Microbiology
SOCY U323 01 CE: Urban Sociology
SOCY U391 01 SL: Special Topics: Victimology
SPCH U347 01M SL: Environmental Communication
—– Key to Acronyms —–
CE = Community Engaged
SE = Service Engaged
SL = Service Learning