A very successful National Voter Registration Day on campus!

Over 165 students are newly registered voters and more than 230 students talked with each other about the importance of voting on Tuesday, September 19th, 2023, during Upstate’s National Voter Registration Day event here on campus! This is all thanks to our new Civic Engagement Coordinator, Tammy Pike. By planting the seeds of civic participation here at Upstate, we prepare our students to engage with the world as active and involved citizens.

This fall, USC Upstate welcomed its newest Civic Engagement Coordinator, Tammy Pike. In the wake of National Voter Registration Day 2023, join us in giving her a warm welcome as she continues the mission of promoting non-partisan awareness regarding the electoral process among students, faculty, staff, and the greater community!

Tammy Pike is a Senior Instructor of History here at Upstate, as well as the advisor of the History Club. She’s been a strong ally for community engagement as part of her teaching ethos, and will now be continuing those efforts in her role as the Civic Engagement Coordinator on campus.

One exemplary event put on by the Civic Engagement Coordinator was the National Voter Registration Day event on campus, which took place Tuesday, September 19th, 2023.

During this event, community partners and student organizations were located at booths and tables throughout campus, raising awareness about voter registration and helping students check their registration status to prepare for the upcoming elections.

Events like the National Voter Registration Day drive support the vision of USC Upstate as a designated Voter Friendly Campus. The Coordinator is responsible for promoting non-partisan voter registration, civic participation, and voter education among the campus community, with the aim of increasing participation in the democratic process, which is achieved through events like the registration drive. As Tammy herself has noted, students are a significant part of the democratic process–and voting is the most fundamental act of participation.

The new C.E. Coordinator will continue working with community partners, such as The Campus Vote Project and their #VoteTogether initiative, which fosters civically engaged communities, and the Andrew Goodman Foundation, which promotes a vision “that young people will become active, engaged citizens who ensure a just democracy and sustainable future,” in order to advance the Civic Engagement goals of assisting students with voter registration, raising awareness about the democratic process, and educating students about current issues and candidates at both local and national levels.

Let’s support our new Civic Engagement Coordinator in supporting the important objective of getting young people involved in the electoral process and celebrate the exciting results that she has already achieved during this event!

You can learn more about Civic Engagement on campus at the university’s website here, or reach out to Tammy Pike at piket@uscupstate.edu.