3 boxes. students online with teacher in top box, students in room at table in bottom box, student alone on computer in third box

HyFlex: Choose Your Own Attendance!

Image created using Canva.com and BlackIllustrations.com By Jennifer Bland Have you heard the word HyFlex recently? While the idea of HyFlex courses is not new, they have gained traction in the nationwide post-COVID enrollment slump.  HyFlex courses provide the greatest flexibility for students by allowing students to attend face-to-face, synchronously via a scheduled virtual meeting, or … Continue reading HyFlex: Choose Your Own Attendance!

name tag that says hello-my name is...my pronouns are

Name Pronunciations and Pronouns Available in Blackboard Courses

By Celena Kusch We know how important it is for us to be the ones who determine how we would like to be recognized and addressed by name, and we are happy to announce that name pronunciation and pronoun features are now available in Blackboard. Pronouns and names help us to acknowledge and demonstrate respect … Continue reading Name Pronunciations and Pronouns Available in Blackboard Courses

various accessibility symbols

Providing Accessible Documents

Accessibility Symbols from Respaut (2018) How Designing for Accessibility Will Improve User Experience (Part 2) By Kristen Stevenson There are several simple steps that you can take to ensure course content is accessible to all students, regardless of need or preference. While you may need to remind yourself of these steps at first, it is … Continue reading Providing Accessible Documents