Join us for our 5th Annual Blackboard Day in the CLC Ballroom, by accessing Collaborate in the CAIFS PD Course, or by using the links below! Register Now 9 am to 9:30 am Welcome and Blackboard Learn Ultra Transition Updates Join Celena Kusch to hear about the latest updates in the Blackboard Learn Ultra Transition … Continue reading USC Upstate Blackboard Day 2024: Preparing for Transition to Blackboard Learn Ultra Courses
Group Work and Collaborative Learning
Collaborative learning is a well-established high-impact practice (HIPs). According to the Association of American Colleges and Universities, collaborative learning has two main goals: the first is to have students work together to solve problems or find solutions. And the second is for students to gain access to perspectives, experiences, and information they may have not … Continue reading Group Work and Collaborative Learning
HyFlex: Choose Your Own Attendance!
Image created using and By Jennifer Bland Have you heard the word HyFlex recently? While the idea of HyFlex courses is not new, they have gained traction in the nationwide post-COVID enrollment slump. HyFlex courses provide the greatest flexibility for students by allowing students to attend face-to-face, synchronously via a scheduled virtual meeting, or … Continue reading HyFlex: Choose Your Own Attendance!
Name Pronunciations and Pronouns Available in Blackboard Courses
By Celena Kusch We know how important it is for us to be the ones who determine how we would like to be recognized and addressed by name, and we are happy to announce that name pronunciation and pronoun features are now available in Blackboard. Pronouns and names help us to acknowledge and demonstrate respect … Continue reading Name Pronunciations and Pronouns Available in Blackboard Courses
What’s New in VoiceThread?
Image from Kenter (2019) "Rediscover VoiceThread" By Jennifer Bland Are you looking for a way to engage students in your online and hybrid courses? Look no further than VoiceThread! VoiceThread is an interactive presentation tool that is available as an integrated tool in Blackboard. It will allow you and your students to create presentations with … Continue reading What’s New in VoiceThread?
Building a Safe Classroom Enviroment
By Kristen Stevenson The Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework promotes synergies among teaching presence, cognitive presence, and social presence to achieve learning in courses. Your teaching presence sets the tone of the classroom (both face-to-face and virtual) for students to safely and successfully interact with both the content and one another. While college classrooms often … Continue reading Building a Safe Classroom Enviroment