Year: 2021

  • Workshop Invitation – Getting started with SL/CE

    Join us Tuesday, November 2 from 2:30-3:30 for a Getting Started with SL/CE workshop. We’re celebrating our new normal with a (safely socially distanced) face-to-face conversation. Planned topics include: NEW Community-Engaged course designation SL/CE as a RETENTION strategy Of course, you are encouraged to bring any thoughts, ideas, and or questions you may have relating…

  • SL/CE Course Reallocation Winner

    Congratulations to Araceli Hernandez-Laroche, the winner of our first-ever SL/CE Course Reallocation award! Dr. Hernandez-Laroche’s approach to service-learning has been interdisciplinary and collaborative blending French with Criminal Justice, Sociology, Global Studies, and the Honors College in Global Migration in the 21st Century and The Twin Ills of Terrorism & Torture: A Global Perspective both co-taught…

  • NEW: CE Course Designation (Community Engagement)

    Recognizing transformative experiences may occur when students interact in our community without doing service, the Office of Service Learning and Community Engagement is happy to introduce the “CE” (Community Engagement) course designation to complement SE (Service Engagement) and SL (Service Learning). Course offerings that involve active and authentic connections to the community may qualify for…

  • Collaboratory – October Update

    Our quest to capture the amazing community-engaged activities happening across campus continues with our efforts to populate Collaboratory, our new community engagement tracking system. At time of this writing, we have 64 activities in the database with most entries associated with the Department of Languages, Literature, and Composition. Equity, diversity, and inclusion is our most…

  • SL/CE Course Reallocation

    This program will award up to $2,500 to the faculty member’s department to hire an adjunct instructor who will teach a non-SL/CE course that the faculty member would have been teaching. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Provost’s Office in making this reallocation available. What’s the timeline? Applications Due: September 30 Spring 2022: 1…

  • Barbara Holland Workshop

    October 5, 2021 @ 2:30. Register to receive meeting link & submit questions Internationally known community engagement expert Dr. Barbara Holland will join us on October 5th for a virtual conversation. Dr. Holland co-founded our new Collaboratory Community Engagement (CE) data repository. She will share her insight and ideas about community engagement work in a…